Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Long History of Decline!
Alas, human activities over time have stripped much of the luster from this national treasure. Most recently, the still-unfolding impacts of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster are adding to those from decades of environmental degradation from things like poorly planned development and unsustainable fishing practices. Even now, there are places where oil is coming ashore, and fishermen are catching oil in their nets. Unusual numbers of dead dolphins, turtles, and other wildlife continue to be found in the Gulf and we do not yet understand the cause. Local residents have unanswered questions about the long-term health effects of the oil and the dispersants used to combat it. And of course, Gulf businesses that are directly tied to the health of the Gulf’s coastal and marine environment—including fisheries, tourism, and recreation—are still recovering from the BP disaster.

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